With the current national lockdown, working anywhere but home feels for many of us like a distant memory. Utilising your time and space to ensure you remain productive can be difficult as it becomes increasingly harder to create boundaries between work and personal life. 
This blog will give you six tips on how to make sure that working from home, works for you
1. Take breaks (follow the mantra ‘little and often’!)  
Whether it is just regularly making hot drinks or going for a walk at lunchtime, make sure you are having time away from your work and technology. This will give you time to reflect and can increase productivity for when you return to your desk. At the end of the day, switch off and put your work away. 
2. Make a dedicated workspace 
To be productive at home, you need to allocate a separate space that is solely for your work. This is definitely easier said than done, as not everyone has a home office. However, it is important that, even if your desk is in the living room, you know that when you sit at that ‘desk’, it is work time. 
3. Be kind to yourself  
Take time to do what makes you feel good and happy at the end of the working day. Whether it is having a bath, going on a run, attending a virtual yoga class or walking the dog. Taking time away from the screen and your workspace is important. In addition, keep hydrated! The recommendation is 2 litres of water per day, which can increase alertness and make your body feel more awake. 
4. Stay connected 
Working from home can be lonely and isolating. Make sure that you schedule time to catch up with your colleagues. Outside of work hours, chat to family via FaceTime or plan a weekly Zoom quiz with your friends. 
5. Set boundaries 
You need to agree rules and boundaries with other family members and friends in the house when you are working. This will minimise distractions and increase productivity. 
6. Create a routine 
At the start of every day make a plan for all the things you are going to achieve that day, with a realistic time frame for each activity. Make sure that, at the end of every day, you consistently do the same activity that marks the end of the working day. This may be closing down your emails, or logging-off the business chat room for example. 
The most important thing to remember is that being successful and productive when working from home is personal to each individual. It is all about trial and error. If you find that something isn’t working for you, switch up your routine. Find inspiration from others by discussing what they find works. 
Finally, remain positive! Ensure you have regular touch points with people you know who keep you ‘up’, people who keep you focused on your ‘why’, the reason you get up every morning and go to work – even if that workplace is also your home. 
If you would like to find out more about how it'seeze can help your business grow even when working from home, email hello@itseeze-gloucester.co.uk or call us 01285 700 755 
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