Tumblr took a large hit back in 2013, but is Tumblr making a come back now? Should you be jumping on to the social media platform to help drive the traffic to your website? 
Tumblr is a very easy to use microblogging platform and social networking website. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private. 
It is a social media tool and a blogging tool that allows users to publish either “Tumbleblog or short blog posts. Users can heavily customize their own pages and pay to change them sometimes to look much like a website.  
The dashboard is the main method for uploading content. This is where you can post a wide variety of posts, test, graphics, photos and videos and audio too. Just like any other social media your website should always be linked back. Photos and video perform the best on Tumblr similarly to Instagram. Many profiles ressemble a portfolio style and are similar to pinterest boards, depending on whether content is shared content or purely your own content. 
Ads are cheap starting at 80p and increasing tailoring to your needs similarly to Facebook Ad's.  
Generate content, drive conversations and drive traffic back to your website. Make sure your linking your website in your posts. 
Tumblr claims that its users actually spend more time on the site than they do on Facebook or Twitter. I certainly feel that my attention span for time spent on Facebook is decreasing simply because the feed isnt generating new content often enough. Tumblr seems to offer more vareity and therefore attracts more interest. 
When you explore Tumblr, the organic feed isn't all celebrities and aesthetically pleasing posts (as it is on Instagram) it was organic interesting posts, or what the AI though recommends. 
Unlike YouTube it does not have algorithm that forces users toward certain content. Account users must search out the content they like. Also, it is the opposite to Instagram where users show off their selves and lifestyle, Tumblr is the opposite focusing on meaning of posts less on appearance. 


16 million monthly active users 
User base is 18-34, and gender is 50/50 female to male.  
The main bulk of users being 26-35. 
Even though they are young actually 27% of Tumblr users have an annual household income of over $100,000 
The content on Tumblr is mainly posts that incur conversation or sharing. It is a mix of funny, relatable and entertaining content. The top posts being interesting shareable posts and gifs, video content under a minute does well too. The highest reason for people using Tumblr was "to get entertainment", and then following that with the 3rd and 4th most voted reason for using Tumblr was "to follow brands" and "strengthen professional networks". 
An example of a Celebrity that uses Tumblr frequently is Talylor Swift. She uses it similarly to her Instagram, with blog posts inbetween.  

So why is Tumblr 'coming back'? 

Tumblr lifted off in the period of 2007-2013. Marissa Mayer Chief Executive of Yahoo bought Tumblr for $1.1bn. However the content on Tumblr’s platform did not mesh with Yahoos mainstream advertising, as well as inappropriate content that was leaked . Tumblr users started to leave Tumblr for more aesthetic platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. This is when Tumblr experienced a massive dip in value. 
Owner of the blogging platform WordPress bought Tumblr in 2015 at $3m a miniscule amount compared to what Marissa bought it for back in 2013. 
Tumblr's massive decline between 2013-2015 has meant its come back has taken years to grow. 
This years big trend the revival of the 2000's (Y2K) has aided the come back of Tumblr mirroring when Tumblr was at its peak. 

Should you be using Tumblr to boost your website traffic? 

Tumblr is an easy way to way to start your blogging journey. You can see what responds best real time on a social media platform and what creates more conversations in your industry. Attracting traffic from other Social Media sources helps the credibility of your website. Depending on your website traffic it is likely your Blog posts on Tumblr will get much more veiws as Tumblr has a very organic algorithm. 
Although blogs on your website are a great way to help your website SEO.  
If you would like to find out more about how it'seeze can help your business grow even when working from home, email hello@itseeze-gloucester.co.uk or call us 01285 700 755 
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