So now you should hopefully have a better idea of how to improve your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and how blogs can help with this. If you’d like to have a refresher, click HERE to view the rest of our series of blogs on SEO. 
By the end of this blog, you should be able to identify how to measure your success with SEO. It’s all well and good putting the tips you have learnt into practice, but unless you track your success, you will struggle to know whether your hard work is paying off or not. 
The simplest way to check if your SEO is working is by typing in your business’s keywords into Google, followed by the location of your work.  
For example, if you type ‘Website Design Gloucestershire’ into Google, itseeze Gloucester is the first result on the organic search after the paid ads. 
Google Analytics is also a good way of measuring the success of your SEO on your website. It will indicate whether there has been an increase in the number of users that are visiting your website.  
If you’d like to find out more about how to use and understand Google Analytics, attend this FREE course
In addition, here are four other tools you can use to measure your SEO success: 
Google Search Console – Gives you reports that detect website errors, opportunities and user engagement levels 
Lighthouse Audit – Google’s automated tool for measuring a website’s accessibility and performance 
PageSpeed Insights – Uses Lighthouse and Google Chrome User Experience Reports to give you suggestions on how to make a page faster on your website 
Mobile-Friendly Test – Tests how easily a user can navigate your website on a mobile phone. It has been identified in a recent report that mobile user experience will be ever more important for SEO ranking in 2021! Therefore, I would thoroughly recommend testing your website URL on this tool. 
At itseeze Gloucestershire, we perform regular checks to see how your website is performing. If you’d like to find out more about what we do to ensure that our clients’ SEO is successful and how WE can help YOU to improve the effectiveness of your business’s online presence, then please get in touch with us. 
Make the change that your business deserves! 
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